Why the hell don't I have Monday Night Football?
For 16 weeks, we have been able to extend our football pleasure for one more night. But not for week 17.

But imagine if there was a Monday Night game, that was integral to the Playoffs? Imagine if the Jets-Bengals game or the Cowboys-Eagles game was on Monday night? Viewership would have been through the roof! If all the seeds were settled except for ONE final game?
Why can't we have this? It would be too much fun? We need to have the day filled with news about Jim Zorn, Mike Shanahan, Bill Sheridan and whether or not Wes Welker should have been on the field? Come on Heir Goodell, have a little fun!
I can only imagine what my life would be like if I had never read this ridiculous post. A lot better.
No potential playoff team should have a shorter week if they are forced to play monday night week 17. All the teams which play in the wild card round should have equal rest.
I figured out what the WFAN stands for...
What Fuckin Annoying Nonsense
December 20, 2010 at 12:24 AMIf you don't know what WFAN is, why are you here?
And you're right about the short week. It's not like the NFL makes some teams play on Saturdays in the playoffs. Oh, wait...
Michael Brown
October 7, 2011 at 6:20 AM